Friday 10 September 2010

Eid Fitr This Year

This is a note about a special day of Eid Fitr...

I really want to say thanks to Allah for giving me such a best time facing 1st of Syawal again this year, it such a precious moment for me because I don't know whether next year I will still on earth filling my days with prayers to Allah, be grateful for every single breath I take, and be so healthy; or not... *but Allah, I really hope I will ;-)*

Well, I wanna show my gratefulness to Allah by writing my experience today... start from the time I woke up till now... Who knows next year I will not be able to do it again... *but hope there will still be many Ramadhan months and 1st of Syawal for me and all the people I love, Amin...*

I woke up at about 4 today, Mom woke me up. I directly woke up and got the clothes to be ironed. I tried not to fill this great day with any bad thing and tried to avoid any temptation to get angry coz during this busy time *so sorry it was stopped coz I have just prepared some meal for my dad, for his dinner* any small thing will make any person get on his/her nerves, and it will cause very big quarrel. Well, back to the activities... I ironed almost all the clothes but then I saw there isn't anyone in the bathroom so I decided to take a bath and my Mom replaced me to do ironing.

On the way to the bathroom, all the thing I said before-about the temptation to get angry- came... Astaghfirullah... it happened to me like usual... my Dad got on my nerves by his words... well, Alhamdulillah I was able to control it though, well, I replied his words. *So sorry, Dad. I knew he had forgive me... hehehe...*

Then we went to the stadium to pray together with other muslim. To be honest, this is the greatest moment I like, seeing many muslim people walk together to the same direction, bringing the Sajjadah, wearing their muslim clothes... so nice...

We walked too slow, so we came to the stadium late. When we put down our Sajjadah, the Imam had started the Eid Prayer, So we did it hurry and put on our prayer clothes and follow the Imam. After the prayer we listened to the Khotbah. We went home together after the Khotbah finished.

At home we ate the Lontong, Rendang, Lodeh, and other food Mom had prepared the day before. She is the best cook in the world for me. Then we went to our neighbourhood Masjid, my family always pray Isya and Tarawih there during Ramadhan. There was Halal Bihalal, almost all of the Jamma'ah of the Masjid joined the event.

Oh yeah, there was a really shocking moment at that time. When we were enjoying the meal, we heard people saying that there was a fire coming from a house. It was not really big fire I think, but I might be really shocking. Everybody ran forward to the house, many people especially male carrying hoses. Dad was bringing his camera at that time, he would never want to miss any moment, I saw him taking some pictures -well, I will attach the picture next time, but I hope I can do it tomorrow-. Felt like even disturbing the men who were trying to put out the fire because we just couldn't do anything except seeing, we decided to go home.

Like other tradition in Indonesia, we went to our neighbours' houses. Firstly, we went to our relatives houses. Meet many relatives, our houses are near but because of our business along the year, we seldom visited each other, so Syawal is the appropriate moment to rejoin the bond.

I was so tired today, not just because we went around but because of the period I get this day. I knew it in the afternoon. I slept for a while after we went home from relatives houses.

I was waken up by my boyfriend's call. He said he had visited my house but he didn't see me because I was asleep in the bedroom. He asked me to come to his house so I came, of course after washing my face and combing my hair. We talked much, about the Ang Pao (another Eid Fitr tradition here, older people giving money younger ones), family and relatives who haven't get it, and other stuff till it was 9.30 and I asked his and his family permission to go home. He said he miss me, so do I. That was the first time we met today, because we were busy with our own activity visiting our family and relatives houses. I didn't even saw him on his Eid new cloth *I really want to see him on that shirt, coz my Mom bought it for him and it is the same as my Dad's -the difference is just the colour-, but I couldn't... So disappoint, but what should I say*.

When I reached home I saw my Mom was sleeping beside my Aunt, Dad wasn't in that house coz I know he must be at our house (the house Mom was sleeping in is a house we rent from my boyfriend's family, and the house my Dad is playing computer in is my family's house *If you wanna know more about the reason why we rent the house read my article entitled Why We Rent the House*), alone.

Since my Dad was alone there, I decided to accompany him. I saw him playing the computer game, so I sat beside him and turned on other computer then browsing. And... here I am now, still sitting on every other chair by Dad *Mom has just come and is looking for my brother to ask him to put the motorcycle in the house, but I don't know where my brother is*.

I am typing this words, Dad is playing an online game near to me, Uncle is browsing, too, Mom is sleeping in the bedroom, my two cousins are sleeping in the rented house with my Aunt, and my brother.... ehm... well, I don't know where he is, he might be in my boyfriend's house coz my Mom guessed so...

Okay, that's all My First Syawal Story: Eid Fitr This Year. I love today...

I know now why Ramadhan and Syawal with all their greatest values and moments only come once a year... To make us miss them, and to make sure with do not miss every single day in Ramadhan without thanking Allah for all Allah has given us...

Allah, thanks for yesterdays, today, and tomorrow... Please give me and all my family, relatives, and friends changes to meet Ramadhan and Syawal next year... Amin...

Allahu Akbar... Allahu Akbar... Allahu Akbar... Walillahilham...

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