Dear Good Readers and semua Weirdos,
Maaf ya semua, mulai posting kali ini akan saya tambah salamnya.. Jadi bukan cuma untuk good readers semua tapi juga untuk para weirdos yang merasa as weird as me or even weirdest. #Smile
Rasanya sudah puluhan Selasa yang saya lewati tanpa menjawab ratusan pertanyaan yang datang ke meja saya. Pertanyaanya bermacam-macam, tapi jelas harus saya saring dan saya pilah-pilah mana yang harus saya jawab dan tidak.
Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang benar-benar menggelitik diri saya, menggelitik karena untuk bisa bikin saya menghabiskan beberapa paragraf untuk menjawabnya. Awalnya saya pikir, enggak ah.. Gak akan saya jawab di blog ini, cukup di buku pribadi saya aja.. Takut pada bosen dan gak suka membacanya, tapi saya pikir-pikir lagi sejujurnya saya lebih suka pertanyaan semacam itu. Pertanyaan yang benar-benar membuat saya berhenti sejenak untuk berfikir, mengingat, merefleksi diri dan sejenisnya untuk menjawab satu pertanyaan saja.
Jadi saya putuskan untuk kali ini saya hanya akan menjawab satu pertanyaan, biarin dulu pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain menumpuk kita kasih makan dulu karakteristik INFJ saya satu ini. Biar lega.. :D
Pertanyaannya adalah..
Kurang dalam gimana coba pertanyaan ini, baiklah akan saya jawab.. Semoga jawaban saya bisa dipahami dan dimengerti. Oh iya, tulisan ini sepertinya akan benar-benar panjang.. Jadi buat yang gak suka baca panjang-panjang tetap boleh kok baca postingan ini, tapi hati-hati mata bisa tiba-tiba rabun.. :p
Kembali ke topik.. Jujur ini pertanyaan sulit buat saya tapi saya merasa tertantang untuk kembali mengingat mimpi-mimpi, impian-impian yang pernah saya punya dulu. Kalaupun boleh menambah satu huruf di belakang Dream akan saya rubah menjadi Dreams dan akan saya bagi dalam beberapa posting.. Haha.. Bisa jadi bahan buat memperbanyak tulisan.
Kalau dibilang IMPIAN sudah pasti dari kecil masing-masing kita punya impian, punya mimpi. Kalau saya boleh bilang mimpi adalah cita-cita.
-Sekali lagi maafin saya kalau penjelasan saya bakal panjang dan mungkin membosankan-
This is one of my dreams..
Saya mulai sadar saya punya impian saat saya duduk di bangku SMP, saat itu seingat saya di sekolah baru mulai ada yang namanya guru BK, Bimbingan Konseling. Saya suka sekali mendengar penjelasan beliau tentang kepribadian, kebiasaan, kehidupan dan lain sebagainya. Dari situ saya kenal tentang psikologi dan psikolog tapi tentu hanya sebatas pengetahuan anak SMP. Enggak detail, enggak dalam.
Yang saya tahu rasanya menyenangkan bisa mendengar cerita orang-orang yang berbeda setiap harinya, tentang masalah mereka, tentang hal yang membahagiakan buat mereka, tentang kesedihan dan kekecewaan mereka, menjadi penyimpan rahasia mereka, juga mencoba merasakan apa yang dirasakan orang tersebut. Buat saya ini semacam belajar dari orang lain, tanpa harus benar-benar mengalami hal serupa. Jadi ketika kelak kita mengalami hal serupa kita punya banyak referensi jalan keluar dan akan lebih siap menghadapinya.
Saya memang pendengar yang baik, setidaknya itu yang dibilang orang-orang tentang saya. Pendengar yang diam tapi bisa menunjukkan empati yang dalam dari tatapan mata saya, ketika dibutuhkan saran saya akan dengan tulus memberikan saran, seolah-olah saya mengalaminya. Mungkin karena itu sejak dulu saya memang jadi langganan tempat curhat buat teman-teman dan sahabat. Banyak dari mereka yang mempercayakan rahasianya pada saya, sampai saya lupa rahasia apa saja itu. Beberapa masih ada yang tersimpan tapi beberapa hilang terbawa waktu. :D
Ada yang berminat menyimpan rahasianya ke saya? Guarantee.. Your secret's safe with me.. Hahaha.. Terkadang mereka-mereka ini yang jadi inspirasi nulis bagi saya. Entah berupa puisi, tulisan pendek, cerpen, quote, apa saja pokoknya tulisan. Saya memang cuma bisa nulis, gak bisa nulis lagu karena memang gak bisa main alat musik. Tapi cerita tentang bikin lagu saya ada pengalaman bikin lagu untuk pertama dan terakhir kalinya. Penasaran? Pasti nanti saya ceritakan.. :D
Kembali ke impian masa SMP saya. Mengingat menurut saya waktu itu dunia psikologi sangat menarik dan menyenangkan maka saya bercita-cita untuk menjadi psikolog atau apa saja lah yang ada hubungannya dengan psikologi. Tapi karena memang menurut Allah dunia psikologi profesional bukan takdir saya, maka disinilah saya sekarang. Masih meraba-raba tentang dunia psikologi secara teori dan ilmu.
Well, saya masih berharap suatu saat bisa belajar psikologi secara formal sehingga saya jadi bisa figure out yang selama ini hanya saya raba-raba dan saya kira-kira saja. Tapi kalau memang tak ada kesempatan untuk belajar formal setidaknya saya mulai belajar saat ini dari teman-teman di group INFJ dan sejenisnya. Saya banyak belajar dari mereka, terima kasih semua.
Saya rasa segitu dulu tulisan tentang impian saya masa SMP. Cuma segitu? Woooo tenang.. Ini baru part I masih ada part II dan part seterusnya.. Tunggu part selanjutnya ya, Good Readers & Weirdos..
Showing posts with label Tuesday Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tuesday Questions. Show all posts
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Tuesday Questions: More Various Questions #Shocking
Morning all :D
Do you know why I really love Tuesday? Because there will be at least 10 questions come to me that I have to answer based on me and I find it very interesting doing so.. ^_^ Here are the questions and my answers:
What would you do if you had million dollars?
I would build a school, the best school with complete facilities. Anyone especially the poor can join here FREE. Of course I must be so selective in choosing the best students. Not the smart ones but ones who have passion and willingness to learn and study about anything. I would build an orphan house. I would build a craft supplies super market, that is one of my dream I want to make it real. I hope I can make one, the most complete on.
Are you a spender or a saver?
Sometimes I am a spender, sometimes a saver. It depends on my mood.. :P
How much money do you save on a regular basis? (As a peecentage of your income?)
I am not really sure, maybe it's about 15% - 20% Really, I am not sure..
Do you have a personal budget?
Sometimes yes and sometimes no.
When you are on a date, do you think the man should pay or not?
I don't think so, not always man who takes responsibility in paying the bill. In my experience with my hubby before he become my husband, anyone who have money was the one who pay. If I had money I paid, if he had money he paid. That flexible.
What's the most expensive gift you've ever given someone?
I have never given expensive gift. :P
What's the most expesive gift you've ever received from someone?
It is LOVE from my Hubby.. That is the most expensive gift I've ever received.
Have you ever had a blind date?
Nah, never..
If someone offered you a million dollars for a night out, would you do it?
What kind of question is it?? Don't you know I am married?? So only my hubby can ask me for a night out..
Do you invest in the stock market? What kind of investing strategy do you use if you do?
I do not do that, so no strategy at all..
Hhhmmmm.. Various questions asked, but kinda interesting.. Shocking.. Tiring..
I think that's all for now, Fellas..
See ya soon,
La Reine Chanson
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Tuesday Questions: Random Questions
Wooo.. Okay, so here comes another Tuesday to answer some questions.. I am ready.. :D
First question, what are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?
I have a lot of nicknames, I'll tell you two.. The first is Nik, which is from Rani.. And the second is Ting, which is from kriting which means curly. What do I prefer to be called? I love to be called anything as long as the ones who gave the names are ones whom I know well and do not have any intention on making fun of me, I'll accept the names.. :D
Next, what books on your shelf are begging to be read?
I don't know, I have many books which are haven't been read so.. Many..
How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like?
When I was a student I love doodling but now not really.. Last time I did it was days ago, it was only signature of mine, a whole paper full. LOL
What do you do if you can't sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive?
I get up and do something productive such as playing games and facebooking.. :P LOL
How many days could you last in solitary confinement? How would you do it?
Never experience that but if I had to maybe a week. I don't know maybe I would spend a whole day writing, drawing and singing. I love singing a lot.
Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away?
Actually it's not because I threw them away.. I love saving all the old memory but I am kind of forgetful one and are not to good in putting things in the right place so I mostly lost all of them.. Poor me..
When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost?
I slip in and look for someone I know
How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
Not many, I only look at the mirror when I am preparing to go out.
What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
I believed that I am Ami Mizuno from Sailor Moon.. :P
What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?
Eating before sleeping.. It makes me getting fatter and fatter.. :D
That's it folks.. Eagerly waiting for next Tuesday with other various questions..
See ya all,
La Reine Chanson
I have a lot of nicknames, I'll tell you two.. The first is Nik, which is from Rani.. And the second is Ting, which is from kriting which means curly. What do I prefer to be called? I love to be called anything as long as the ones who gave the names are ones whom I know well and do not have any intention on making fun of me, I'll accept the names.. :D
Next, what books on your shelf are begging to be read?
I don't know, I have many books which are haven't been read so.. Many..
How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like?
When I was a student I love doodling but now not really.. Last time I did it was days ago, it was only signature of mine, a whole paper full. LOL
What do you do if you can't sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive?
I get up and do something productive such as playing games and facebooking.. :P LOL
How many days could you last in solitary confinement? How would you do it?
Never experience that but if I had to maybe a week. I don't know maybe I would spend a whole day writing, drawing and singing. I love singing a lot.
Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away?
Actually it's not because I threw them away.. I love saving all the old memory but I am kind of forgetful one and are not to good in putting things in the right place so I mostly lost all of them.. Poor me..
When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost?
I slip in and look for someone I know
How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
Not many, I only look at the mirror when I am preparing to go out.
What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
I believed that I am Ami Mizuno from Sailor Moon.. :P
What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?
Eating before sleeping.. It makes me getting fatter and fatter.. :D
That's it folks.. Eagerly waiting for next Tuesday with other various questions..
See ya all,
La Reine Chanson
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Tuesday Questions: Other Personal History Questions
Morning all.. ^_^
Here comes another Tuesday and another questions.. Right now I am going to continue the last friday questions which are about Personal History. Here they:
Yeah, that's me answering those questions.. See ya next Tuesday, Friends..
La Reine Chanson
Here comes another Tuesday and another questions.. Right now I am going to continue the last friday questions which are about Personal History. Here they:
What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?
I never been in trouble, I think.. I am kinda shy person, who love to be in a small group of friends. That's me.. :DWhen was the last time you had an amazing meal?
Weeks ago I have anchovy fried rice. I really love anchovy fried rice, it taste so delicious and smells like "petai". It is in front of the "internet cafe manager's" a.k.a my brother's new cafe named Jowo Online. Usually my husband refuses taking me to that place, the reason is that the service is so slow. It takes about a half hour to cook one fried rice. But that evening he said yes and I was so happy.What's the best/worst gift you've ever given/received?
We in our family seldom give or receive gift because we do not have that as tradition. Well I got some gift from friends and for me all of them are good.What do you miss most about being a kid?
Many things.. I miss making spontanious responds to anyone. I miss being hold, being kissed, being so pampered, there are many more things I miss about being a kid.What is your first memory of being really excited?
Difficult question, I forget things easily.. :(When was the last time you were nervous?
This one I remember, when I had to pay the bill but the money was not sufficient. So I borrowed money from Jowo Online's Manager.. :D He's so nice and so good.. Sometimes.. :PWhat is something you learned in the last week?
I learned how to make clay and characlay, I joined a gathering of Indonesian Crafter Reg. Malang in Crea's Pavillion and made my first characlay. I am thinking of making specific label for CharaClay, I think so.. Ehm.. Wait.. I have ever made characlay, I remember.. When I worked in an English course for kids activity.. Yeah, I remember.. I made one, but forgot how it looked like.. What I remember is that characlay's broken.. ~,~"What story does your family always tell about you?
That I am a girl who never try to put on any make up on my face ever.. Never try, never want.. Hihihi.. They don't know I did it secretly.. :P Well until this time I rarely put make up on my face..At what age did you become an adult?
Believe it or not I got mature earlier than my age, I mean my thought was older than my age when I was teenager.. I had some e-pals, we talked to each other and they didn't believe that I was just 16, they thought I was 20 something.. ~,~"Yeah, that's me answering those questions.. See ya next Tuesday, Friends..
La Reine Chanson
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Tuesday Questions: 5 Personal Questions and 5 Personal History Questions
Hi everyone, how's life?
Here come another Tuesday for answering questions. As you can read from the title this time I am going to answer 5 personal questions and another 5 is personal history questions.
Here they are:
Yes I am a stronger person now.. I have done answering these questions.. See you on next questions..
La Reine Chanson
Here come another Tuesday for answering questions. As you can read from the title this time I am going to answer 5 personal questions and another 5 is personal history questions.
Here they are:
Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
NoneWhat do you want to be when you grow up?
Wrong question I think, it should be ..when you grow old? Haha.. I want to be one of super cool MOM and GRANDMAWhen you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
Sleeping :P That's kinda hobbyWhat would you name the autobiography of your life?
As you can see in this web, it is Our Life Journey :DWhat songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?
I wanna grow old with you by Westlife.. Yeah yeah.. You might say always westlife.. But for sure I grew up with their songs..Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best?
Wow, such a deep question.. Hhmm.. Okay, it is my sensitivity.. At first I thought it would bring me no where and will be so bad for me and my life.. As you know sensitive person always stereotype as a negative one, easily get hurt, it could bring you to long term madness about all the people around you, and other stereotype but... Luckily in me it doesn't bring me to negative things, it doesn't mean I am always right and have no negative sides but.. This sensitivity brings me to emphaty which in my opinion it is good. You can directly feel how others might feel, you can really catch the responds others might do if you do this or that.. So it always forces me to think before I do which is good for me and people around me.. :D #WhatALongAnswerWhat was one of the best parties you've ever been to?
It was a wedding party of my hubby's relative last two weeks.What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?
Wow, I really cannot remember.. If I remember I will directly answer this question so let me skip it.. :PWhat's the harderst thing you've ever done?
Oh, it was when I had to eat raw yam when I was in college as the agenda of freshman in a nature lover organization.. That was the hardest thing ever, so disgusting.. The smell, the taste.. Felt like throwing up but had to ate all up.. That is hard thing to do, isn't it?What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?
It was not so long ago, someone got a problem with me and saying things he/she shouldn't say and said that he/she was hurt by me.. It quite a contrary, he/she is the one who said the thing he/she shouldn't to me but he/she said I hurt him/her.. Let me make a long story short, the point is that she misunderstood me.. That make me learn a lot, which ones are friends and which ones are not.. Who are besides me when I am down and who left me.. I learn a lot.. And I know I am a stronger person right now..Yes I am a stronger person now.. I have done answering these questions.. See you on next questions..
La Reine Chanson
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Tuesday Questions: Fifteen Hypotical Questions :P
Morning friends,
Tuesday Questions come again.. On the previous week I answered questions related to myself, and those are questions you can answer on your first meeting with someone. This time I'm going to answer a little different questions.
This time there are some hypotical questions. This kind of questions helps others learn more about someone's personality. Okay, so lets start.. :D
If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?
I would like it to be a garden party, I love nature. Being in a garden having a party with small group of people you know well will bring a comfortable feeling. Just relaxing.
If you could paint a picture of any scenery you've seen before, what would you paint?
A lake with mountains surrounding it.
If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
Hoho.. I prefer getting old. I wanna grow old together with my husband. #OhSoSweet
If you knew the world was ending in 2012, what would you do differently?
2012?? It's 2014 already!! But well, to myself I want to be more religious.
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
Only one? I have some. Well okay, My Dad and Mom :P
If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
I don't know. Have no idea.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Fly, I would love to be able to fly.
If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?
Well, I am planning opening a shop this week so the next year project must be making the shop growing strong.
If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
Asking forgiveness to all people in the world and do religious stuffs like praying, giving all money I have to those who need it, and other religious stuffs.
If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
The prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
If you won a lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
Hahaha.. Lottery, never try one..
If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be?
It is like saying what is your favourite animal/drink/ice cream flavor.. Hahaha.. Okay, I would like to be bird because they can fly, I would like to be full cream milk because whenever I drink it, it's just feel like flying, and I would like to be vanilla for ice cream flavor because it also make me feel like flying whenever I have it.
If you could know the answer to any question, besides "What is the meaning of life?", what would it be?
Will I be in heaven directly or I have to taste the hell fire first..? :'(
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
Doraemon :D He has anything useful in his magical pocket..
Is it all? Oooh.. I have just started enjoying it.. And WOW, does anyone recognize it? I answered fifteen questions.. It should be 10 but it's okay.. Or should I delete the five questions? I don't think so.. :P
So friends, you can also answer these questions and write them in you blogs.
Thanks for reading.
Le Reine Chanson
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Tuesday Questions: Another 10 Questions
This is another 10 questions for Tuesday Questions:
What was your favourite food when you were a child?
Well, my favourite food when I was a child was just like what other kids like, chocolate bar.. Oh.. And Cuba, it was a name of a snack, a potato crisps.. Snack is a food right?? Oh okay, if it is not.. Ehm.. I like friend squid.. Sooo Yummy..
What's the #1 most song played on your iPod?
I don't have iPod.. Hahaha.. But if it refers to all the music player including youtube, it is Kian Egan's single Home.. I like this guy since he was in Westlife, knowing that he has his own debut is really fantastic feeling so I find out all about the songs, and I am in love with this song.. Click the picture to watch the video..
What is one of your favourite quote?
"In the end, we are the one who take responsibility on what we do so make perfect of yourself and do not judge others" - My Dad
What's your favourite indoor / outdoor activity?
Indoor activity: I love doing internet surfing
Outdoor activity: Travelling with family and bestfriends
What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
I think i don't have one..
What is your favourite form of exercixe?
Walking and running
What is your favourite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
Time of day: Morning
Day of the week: Any day my husband has his day off
Month of the year: I can say October, my birthday.. :P
What's your least favourite mode of transportation?
Sea transportation. Well, I had experienced being on a ship for days when I was a kid. It was when my family moved from Tanjung Pinang to Surabaya, if I'm not mistaken. And that wasn't really nice..
What is your favourite body part?
In general or in me? If in general it is eyes, if in me.. I love all of my body part.. :P
What sound do you love?
I love the sound of rumble of the wave on the beach.
Thank God it's all done.. :D I hope no one recognize that it should be published on Tuesday and today is Wednesday.. :P Wait for other ten questions..
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Tuesday Questions: Second Ten!!
So, I is Tuesday again and it is time again for Tuesday Questions. Okay, Now there will be 10 questions I need to answer. Here they are:
Are you the same person you were as a child, or much different?
Physically really different.. When I was a child I was kind of thin girl, that everyone wouldn't believe that I could be this big.. Yes, no matter how much food I eat it wouldn't cause any fat.. It was, not now..
Do you read? Has any particular book influenced you or left a life-changing impact?
I always say I love reading although in reality I rarely read books.. :D When I was a kid books are my friends but now I lost that hobby.. I mean I read but not books, you know what I mean.. There were some books that influenced me but sorry I am a forgetful one so never remember the title of the book.. That is really awful.. :'(
Do you believe in destiny?
Like what? Like God has written our life journey in the sky? Like God has planned all for us? If it is so.. Yes, I do believe in destiny.
Ever broke any bones?
Luckily never, hopefully will never.. Aamiin..
Do you own a house?
No, we haven't had any house but of course we want one. We will try hard to have one.
Do you like MTV?
When I was Senior High yes, but not now.. Old already.. :D
Describe your country?
It will take a long time to describe it. I choose to skip it. Will make a post about it, but not sure when.. :D
Have you heard of any successful love potions?
Are you a touchy feely person?
Yes, absoslutely.
Are you artistic and creative?
I am, I love anything about art and creative things.. And I ams really artistic and creative.. :D :D
Those are the second ten questions.. See ya on next ten questions next Tuesday.. Ciaoooo!
Are you the same person you were as a child, or much different?
Physically really different.. When I was a child I was kind of thin girl, that everyone wouldn't believe that I could be this big.. Yes, no matter how much food I eat it wouldn't cause any fat.. It was, not now..
Do you read? Has any particular book influenced you or left a life-changing impact?
I always say I love reading although in reality I rarely read books.. :D When I was a kid books are my friends but now I lost that hobby.. I mean I read but not books, you know what I mean.. There were some books that influenced me but sorry I am a forgetful one so never remember the title of the book.. That is really awful.. :'(
Do you believe in destiny?
Like what? Like God has written our life journey in the sky? Like God has planned all for us? If it is so.. Yes, I do believe in destiny.
Ever broke any bones?
Luckily never, hopefully will never.. Aamiin..
Do you own a house?
No, we haven't had any house but of course we want one. We will try hard to have one.
Do you like MTV?
When I was Senior High yes, but not now.. Old already.. :D
Describe your country?
It will take a long time to describe it. I choose to skip it. Will make a post about it, but not sure when.. :D
Have you heard of any successful love potions?
Are you a touchy feely person?
Yes, absoslutely.
Are you artistic and creative?
I am, I love anything about art and creative things.. And I ams really artistic and creative.. :D :D
Those are the second ten questions.. See ya on next ten questions next Tuesday.. Ciaoooo!
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Tuesday Questions: First Ten
These are 10 of 100 questions people often ask me ;P And these are my answers..
Do you like going window shopping?
Well, I rarely go for a window shopping.. I only go out (anywhere it is) in purpose. If I need something that forces me to go out I will go out, if not I won't..
Can you tell if someone is lying to you?
Absolutely yes, I have kind of 'sharp' feeling so that I can easily know whether someone is lying or being honest to me..
Do you have any undiscovered or hidden talents? If so, what?
I think I do have, I don't know.
Favorite all time movie?
Are looks important in a relationship?
Not really
Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?
If swimming is part of it, I do then.. But rarely go swimming these days..
Do you follow trends?
No, absolutely no.. I am me, people cannot change that.. :) #stubbornone #iam
Are you more like your Mom or your Dad?
Dad for facial features, for behaviour I think mix of both, for feeling Mom..
Black or white?
I like purple and pink
Did you ever get lost?
Hhmm.. Once as far as I could remember..
Okay those are 10 of hundreds questions people often ask me.. 10 more questions next Tuesday..
Do you like going window shopping?
Well, I rarely go for a window shopping.. I only go out (anywhere it is) in purpose. If I need something that forces me to go out I will go out, if not I won't..
Can you tell if someone is lying to you?
Absolutely yes, I have kind of 'sharp' feeling so that I can easily know whether someone is lying or being honest to me..
Do you have any undiscovered or hidden talents? If so, what?
I think I do have, I don't know.
Favorite all time movie?
Are looks important in a relationship?
Not really
Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?
If swimming is part of it, I do then.. But rarely go swimming these days..
Do you follow trends?
No, absolutely no.. I am me, people cannot change that.. :) #stubbornone #iam
Are you more like your Mom or your Dad?
Dad for facial features, for behaviour I think mix of both, for feeling Mom..
Black or white?
I like purple and pink
Did you ever get lost?
Hhmm.. Once as far as I could remember..
Okay those are 10 of hundreds questions people often ask me.. 10 more questions next Tuesday..
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