Let me tell you about today's food I cook..
I was so lazy this morning that I don't want to go to the market, aaaahh.. sometimes I love doing it but in other time I find it difficult just to have a step there.. I got stucked.. I'm kind of someone who love to do something easy that everyone can, no need much efford to do so and.. well, that's me..
I plan not to cook today and texted my hubby, sweet-lipsing,
"What to cook today?I'm so confused.." and he answered,
"up to you,dear". I dont satisfied, I texted him
"You doubled my confuseness". He answered,
"then soycake must be good", Again I didn't satified with the answer, I texted him again,
"I got bored of it" he answered,
"then cook anything you want to cook" *huft* I sighed.. why dont you say, just don't cook.. let's have breakfast outside.. Then I replied,
"should I not cook today" hahahaha.. I finally say that.. eagerly waiting for the answer.. aaaaandddd..
"Of course you have to cook, hahaha.."
Aaaaaaaiisssshh.. what is that laugh for.. huft.. I sighed again and.. opened the laptop and search a recipe.. and I find this..

Read the ingredients and found out I got all of them then.. I cooked it.. :D
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